Thursday, October 15, 2009

Missing my Angels-always

Today is a day of remembrance for all that have lost a precious baby. A group I never imagined I would be apart of and a group that will always hold a place in my heart, because I understand the pain. There are layers to this group and and types of pain I will never understand. Warrior Mommies and Daddies who have fought to get through the grief and who have immeasurable courage. Still Birth, late term losses, new born loss due to defects, SIDS and the list goes on and on! Today I lift each and everyone of you up in prayer. We alter our dreams after these losses and search for renewed hope! I hope you have found yours!


Cats Meow said...

Currently, my one and only child is 39 but he is my baby and always will be.

I will also hold these men and women up in my prayers. I don't know the pain but I can imagine the pain. I have a friend whose daughter has lost a child to SIDS and while she now has two more children, that child is still fresh in her heart. The pain may dull somewhat over time but I would veture that it never goes away entirely. Thank you for bringing these folks to my attention.

all i need is the white picket fence said...

Dear Cats Meow-Thank You for your kind words. I checked out your blog and your adorable kitties! I have two precious cats-Riley and Megan-our first babies!!! :) Again your words and prayers were appreciated!